
Hayato Shimabukuro's webpage

[Referred paper]
1. “Probing small scale structure fluctuations with 21cm forest”
H. Shimabukuro, K. Ichiki, S.Yokoyama and S. Inoue
Phys. Rev. D. 90, 083003 (2014).
2. “Studying 21cm power spectrum with one-point statistics”
H. Shimabukuro, S. Yoshiura, K. Takahashi, S.Yokoyama and K. Ichiki
Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 451 (2015) 4986-4993
3. “Sensitivity to 21cm Bispectrum from Epoch of Reionization”,
S. Yoshiura, H. Shimabukuro, K. Takahashi, R. Momose, H. Nakanishi, H. Imai Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 451 (2015) 4785-4793
4.“21cm bispectrum as a method to probe cosmic dawn and epoch of reionization”,
H. Shimabukuro, S. Yoshiura, K. Takahashi, S.Yokoyama and K. Ichiki
Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 458 (2016) 3003-3011
5.“Expected constraints on models of the epoch of reionization with the variance and skewness in redshifted 21cm-line fluctuations”
K.Kubota, S. Yoshiura, H.Shimabukuro and K.Takahashi
Publications of Astron Soc Japan Vol 68 (2016) Issue 4: 61
6.“Studying topological structure in the epoch of reionization with 3D-Minkowski functionals of 21cm line fluctuations”,
S. Yoshiura, H. Shimabukuro, K. Takahashi and T. Matsubara
Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 465 (2016) 394-402
7.“Cosmology with the SKA by SKA-JAPAN
JAPAN SKA consortium cosmology Science working group, including H.S
Publ. Astron. Soc. Jpn. 68 (2016) 6
8.“Constraining the Contribution of Galaxies and Active Galactic Nuclei to Cosmic Reionization”,
S. Yoshiura, K. Hasegawa, K. Ichiki, H. Tashiro, H. Shimabukuro and K. Takahashi
Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 471(3) (2017) 3713-3726
9.“Constraining the EoR model parameters with the 21cm bispectrum”,
H. Shimabukuro, S. Yoshiura, K. Takahashi, S.Yokoyama and K. Ichiki
Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 468(2) (2017) 1542-1550
10."Analyzing the 21cm signal at the Epoch of Reionization with artificial neural network"
H. Shimabukuro and Benoit. Semelin
Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 468(4) (2017) 3869-3877
11."Constraints on nature of ultra-light dark matter particles with 21cm forest"
H. Shimabukuro, K. Ichiki and K. Kadota
Phys. Rev. D 101 , Iss.4, 043516 (2020)
12."21cm forest probes on the axion dark matter in the post-inflationary Peccei-Quinn symmetry
breaking scenarios"
H. Shimabukuro, K. Ichiki and K. Kadota
Phys. Rev. D 102 , Iss.2, 023522 (2020)
13."Predicting 21cm-line map from Lyman α emitter distribution with Generative Adversarial Networks"
Shintaro Yoshiura, H.Shimabukuro, K.Hasegawa and K.Takahashi
Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 506(1) (2021) 357-371
14."Estimation of HII bubble size distribution from 21cm power spectrum with artificial neural networks"
H.Shimabukuro, Y. Mao and Jianrong Tan
Research in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 22, number 3, 35027 (2022)
15. "Exploring the cosmic dawn and epoch of reionization with 21cm line"
H. Shimabukuro, H. Yajima, K. Hasegawa, A. Kuchinomachi and S. Yoshiura,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Vol 75, Supplement 1, S1-S32
16. "Impact of dark matter-baryon relative velocity on the 21cm forest"
H. Shimabukuro, K. Ichiki and K. Kadota
Physical Review D, 107,123520 (2023)
17. "Recovering 21cm global signal from 21cm power spectrum with artificial neural network"
Submitted (2024)
[Unreferred paper]
1.“Japanese Cosmic Dawn/Epoch of Reionization Science with the SKA”
JAPAN SKA consortium EoR Science working group, including H.S
1. " 21cm bispectrum as method to measure cosmic dawn and EoR"
H. Shimabukuro
SF2A-2016: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and
Astrophysics (2016)
2. " Analysing 21cm signal with artificial neural networks"
H. Shimabukuro
IAU Symposium 333: Peering towards Cosmic Dawn (2016)
International conference
1. “Lensing reconstruction using redshifted 21cm fluctuations” ,
Korea-Japan Young Astronomer Meeting [oral] (Korea, Feb. 2012)
2. “Probing small scale structure with 21cm forest”
Nagoya University Grobal COE Program[poster] (Japan, Mar. 2013)
3. “Studying 21cm power spectrum with one-point statistics”
The Olympian Symposium 2015 Cosmology and the Epoch of the Reionization [poster] (Greece, May. 2015)
4.“21cm bispectrum as method to probe cosmic dawn and epoch of reionization”
Preparing for the 21cm cosmology revolution [poster] (USA, Oct. 2015)
5. “Probing the cosmic dawn and the EoR with the redshifted 21cm signal”
Japan-Taiwan collaboration meeting [oral] (Taiwan, Dec. 2015)
6. “21cm bispectrum as method to probe cosmic dawn and epoch of reionization”
Semaine de l’Astrophysique Francaise [oral] (France, Jun. 2016)
7. “21cm bispectrum as method to probe cosmic dawn and epoch of reionization”
First Stars V [poster] (German, Aug. 2016)
8. "21cm bispectrum as method to probe cosmic dawn and EoR"
Science for the SKA generation [poster] (India, Oct. 2016)
9. "Application of artificial neural network to cosmological 21cm signal''
EoR/CD Key Science working group meeting [oral] (India, Oct.2016)
10. "Analyzing 21cm signal with artificial neural networks"
RIKEN sakura symposium [oral, Invited] (JAPAN, Mar. 2017)
11."Analyzing 21cm signal with artificial neural networks"
Peering towards cosmic dawn [oral] (Croatia, Oct. 2017)
12. `` Analyzing 21cm signal with artificial neural networks''
China-Africa young scholar forum [oral] (China, Jun.2018)
13. ``21cm signal analysis with artificial neural networks'''
IGM 2018 Revealing Cosmology and Reionization History with the Intergalactic Medium [oral] (JAPAN, Sep.2018)
14. ``21cm signal analysis with artificial neural networks''
East-Asia SKA science workshop[oral,invited] (China, May.2019)
15.``Recovering HII bubble size distribution from 21cm power spectrum with artificial neural network''
Barefoot Reionization [poster] (Australia, Jun.2019)
16.``Recovering HII bubble size distribution from 21cm power spectrum with ANN"
Summer all zoom epoch of reionization astronomy conference [oral] (online zoom, Jul.2020)
17.``21cm forest probes on axion dark matter in post inflationary PQ symmetry breaking scenarios''
Kashiwa Dark Matter Symposium 2020 [poster] (online zoom, Nov. 2020)
18. ``21cm forest probes on axion dark matter in post inflationary PQ symmetry breaking scenarios''
A precursor view of the SKA sky [poster] (online, Mar. 2021)
19.`` 21cm forest probes on axion dark matter''
East Asia SKA workshop [oral] (online, May.2021)
20. `` Recovering 21cm global signal from 21cm power spectrum with artificial neural networks'''
4th 21cm global signal workshop [oral] (online, Oct.2021)
21.`` 21cm cosmology with machine learning''
21cm cosmology workshop & Tianlai meeting [oral] (Shengyang, China, Jul. 2023)
22. ``Recovering ionized distribution from 21cm power spectrum with ANN''
East Asia SKA science workshop [oral] (Jeju, Korea, Oct.2023)
23. `` 21cm cosmology with machine learning''
Statistical analysis in random fields of cosmology [oral, invited] (KEK, Japan, Mar. 2024)
24. ``Recovering ionized bubble size distribution from 21cm power spectrum with ANN''
SWIFAR cosmology workshop [oral] (Kunming, China, May 2024)
25. `` Exploring cosmic small-scale structure fluctuations with 21cm forest''
Hongo 21cm workshop [oral] (Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 2024)
26. `` Exploring the early universe with 21cm signal''
Sino-French exchange workshop [oral, invited] (Frejus, France, Oct.2024)
``Application of artificial neural network to 21cm signal'', Orage collaboration meeting [oral] (Strasbourg, Sep. 2016)
``Neural network with 21cm signal'',Orage collaboration meeting [oral] (Lyon, Oct.2017)
``Analyzing 21cm signal with artificial neural network'', National key research and development plan "Galaxy structure, formation and evolution" [oral] (Beijing ,Sep. 2018)
`` 21cm signal analysis with ANN'', SKA-CD/EoR science team meeting [oral] (London, Sep.2018)
``Recovering HII bubble size distribution with ANN'', National key research and development plan "Galaxy structure, formation and evolution" [oral] (Beijing ,Aug. 2019)
`` Probing the nature of ultralight particles with 21cm forest'', SKA-JP cosmology meeting (Skype,Mar.2020)
Domestic conference
1.“Lensing reconstruction using redshifted 21cm fluctuations”[oral], 天文・天体若手夏の学校@蒲郡(2011)
3.“Probing minihalo abundance with 21cm absorption”[oral],RESCEU観測的宇宙論ワークショップ@本郷(2012)
4.“高赤方偏移電波21cm線吸収で探る小スケール密度揺らぎ”[oral],SKA-JP high-z group ミニワークショップ@京都(2013/2)
6.“Probing small scale fluctuations with 21cm line”,
“HI mass intensity mapping using radio continuum and HI line simulation”,宇宙電波懇親会(2013/12)[poster]
7. “Probing EoR information with 21cm bispectrum”,天文・天体若手夏の学校@長野(2014/8) [oral+poster]
8.“再電離期における21cm bispectrumの評価”,天文学会@山形(2014/9)[oral]
9. ``Studying 21cm power spectrum with one-point statistics”,観測的宇宙論workshop@名古屋(2014/11) [oral]
10.“Studying 21cm power spectrum with one-point statistics”,初代星、銀河研究会@仙台(2015/1) [oral]
11.``Studying 21cm power spectrum with one-point statistics’’,SKA-JP workshop@三鷹(2015/3/3-3/5)[oral]
12.``Studying 21cm power spectrum with one-point statistics’’,天文学会@大阪(2015/3)[oral]
15.``1点統計、高次統計を用いた21cm線輝度温度場の解析’’,銀河進化と遠方宇宙@神戸 (2015/9) [oral]
16.``Probing small scale structure with 21cm forest’’,宇宙再電離、銀河進化、銀河周間銀河媒質に関する研究会@大阪(2015/11)[oral]
17.``21cm bispectrum as method to probe cosmic dawn and EoR’’,初代星、銀河研究会@草津(2015/11)[oral]
18. `` ニューラルネットワークを用いた21cm線シグナル解析’’, 天文学におけるデータ科学的方法@東京(2017/5)[oral,Invited]
19. "Cosmic dawn and EoR with 21cm signal", 銀河・銀河間ガス研究会@つくば(2018/8)[oral,invited]
20. ``機械学習を用いた21cm線解析'', 初代星・銀河研究会@水戸(2018/11)[oral]
21.``Recovering HII size distribution with artificial neural networks'', 銀河進化と遠方宇宙@横浜(2019/3)[oral]
22.``Recovering HII bubble size distribution with ANN'', SKA-JPシンポジウム@三鷹(2019/9)[oral]
23.`` 21cm forest probes on axion dark matter'' , Galaxy-IGM workshop on zoom (2020/8) [oral]
24. ``SKAで探る宇宙再電離'', SKA Japan strategy workshop on zoom (2021/7) [oral, invited]
25.`` Lesson from 21cm line signal'', 宇宙電波懇談会シンポジウム,online, (2022/3) [oral, invited]
26.`` Recovering 21cm global signal from 21cm power spectrum'', 21cm線ミニワークショップ、名古屋(2023/2)[oral]
27.`` 21cm線で探る宇宙再電離期'', 日本SKA電波データ解析講習会、三鷹、(2023/3) [oral, invited]
28.`` 21cm cosmology with machine learning'', Galaxy-IGM workshop2023, 静岡(2023/8) [oral, invited]
29. `` Basics of the 21cm line'', 第1回21cm線ミニワークショップ、名古屋 (2023/2) [oral]
30. 論文紹介, 第2回21cm線ミニワークショップ、名古屋 (2023/9) [oral]
31. "Exploring small scale fluctuations with 21cm forest", 第3回21cm線ミニワークショップ、三鷹(2024/8)[oral]
32."Proposals for SKA CD/EoR science book by Japanese SKA EoR team", SKAサイエンスワークショップ2024、三鷹(2024/12)[oral]
Seminar & Colloquium
•ICRR, University of Tokyo,Japan (5/2013)
•University of Melbourne, Australia (2/2015)
•Nagoya Universeity, Japan(6/2015)
•University of Melbourne (lunch talk), Australia(8/2015)
•Nagoya University, Japan(11/2015)
•Observatoire de Paris,France(5/2016)
•Kavli IPMU+ICRR joint seminar, Japan (3/2017)
•ASIAA, Taiwan (4/2017)
•Kumamoto University, Japan (5/2017)
•Kumamoto University, Japan (3/2018)
•Tsinghua University, China(4/2018)
•Ochanomizu University, Japan (12/2018)
•Kagoshima University, Japan (2/2019)
•Kumamoto University, Japan (2/2019)
•Yunnan University, China (6/2019)
•Yunnan University, China (12/2019)
•Yunnan University, China (6/2020)
•SKA-JP Webinar,Online (1/2021)
•Central Chinese Normal University, Wuhan, China(26/4/2021)
•Shanghai Jiao-tong university, Shanghai, China (21/7/2021)
•Shanghai Astronomical observatory, Shanghai, China (22/7/2021)
•University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan (2022/5/16)
•Osaka university, Osaka, Japan(2022/6/1)
•Tsinghua university, online, China (2022/6/6)
•Shanghai astronomical observatory, online, China (2022/9/29)
•DSL project webinar, online, China (2022/10/28)
•SKA-JP webinar, online (2022/11/25)
•Zhejiang university, online, China (2022/12/15)
•Guizhou normal university, Guizhou, China (2023/4/20)
•Sun Yat-Sen university, Zhuhai, China (2024/6/5)
Public lectures
琉球大学講演会 (2018年8月)
9.「海外キャリア&研究紹介」”山梨県立日川高校SSH進路講演会” 2021年8月18日
12.「宇宙の歴史」”朝日カルチャーセンター 横浜教室”、2022年6月4日
13. 「銀河物理学を読む」”オンライン天文学講座”、2022年4月ー2022年7月
15.「宇宙の歴史と進化」"琉球大学 物理サークル" 2023年2月9日
16.「宇宙の歴史と人類の進化」”名古屋経済大学市邨高等学校” 2023年3月13日
17.「社会は研究者に何を求めるのか?:アウトリーチ活動から見えてきたもの」”わか天講演会” 2023年4月25日
18.「電波で探る遠方宇宙」”ミニCEED” 2023年4月29日
19.「一般相対論、膨張宇宙、ビッグバン、CMB、インフレーションで探る現代宇宙論」"EXCEED_1st", 2023年7月1日
20. 「電波で探る宇宙の暗黒時代と夜明け :宇宙最初の星や銀河ができた時代を考える」”学問バー”、2023年7月27日
21. 「宇宙のこども時代はどうだった?」 ”りっかRIKA”、2023年8月12日
22.「21cm線で探る宇宙の暗黒時代と宇宙の夜明け」"月夜サイエンス" 2023年12月4日
23.「現代宇宙論入門」 ”学問バー” 2024年1月22日
24.「宇宙のこども時代はどうだった?」 ”りっかRIKA”、2024年2月4日
25.「人類の歴史、宇宙の歴史」 ”学術バーQ”、2024年8月4日
26.「宇宙のこども時代はどうだった?」 ”りっかRIKA”、2024年8月10日
27. 「現代宇宙論の基礎」 ”山梨県立 広陵高校 科学部講演” 2024年9月17日
28.「海外で研究するということ」 ”名古屋大学アウトリーチ研究会”、2024年12月13日
29. 「探索宇宙的童年:穿越宇宙历史之旅」 ”云南大学 天文 冬の学校”、2025年1月21日
30. 「宇宙138億年の歴史を読み解く」 ”琉球大学 特別授業”、2025年1月28日